Welcome to Honey Bee Watch!
We are an international coalition centered around honey bees — and people like you. As a citizen-science participant (aka Bee Guardian) who contributes data on honey bees, you'll help us to better understand the biological, behavioral, and environmental traits that favor survivorship among free-living and untreated colonies.
There are more than 10 species of honey bees around the world. Striving to collect as much data on each of them as possible, Honey Bee Watch will be a multi-year, global study, starting with a UK-based pilot program focused on common honey bees, Apis mellifera, and eventually expanding to new regions and including all Apis species.
Our aim is to increase scientific knowledge about all of these species, potentially leading to educational programs, conservation campaigns, and even more sustainable beekeeping practices that eventually engage and inspire the wider public to act locally to protect threatened populations.
We appreciate your participation.
Director (Project): Steve Rogenstein
Director (Science): Arrigo Moro
Director: Keith Browne
Inquiries: honeybeewatch.info@gmail.com
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